Hello! Sorry it has been so long since the last update. Things have been crazy busy at both work and home! Brandon is back at work as of last Monday. Yeah! He is not 100% better, but he is okay for the most part. I really expected him to be having more pain than he is, but so far it has mostly been just headaches from the neck injury. Carter is doing good too. Except now he has decided he only wants to eat 2 or 3 bites of his meals and then wants junk. Hopefully he will grow out of that soon! We are getting a new liner in our swimming pool and switching to salt water. It is much less maintenance as far as chemicals, plus it is much better to swim in than chlorine. It is going to cost us a lot to do all of that, but it will all be worth it in the long run I hope. We are also removing some of the landscaping and bushes in our backyard and planting some grass in it's place. I know, we're crazy for removing the expensive landscaping! But, it is a pain in the butt to keep weeds out all the time and the dog literally only has about a 10x10 patch of grass now. This won't add a whole lot, but at least some! I'll try to load some pics up sometime soon.
2 fabulous comments:
Salt water pools are AWESOME. They let your suits last a lot longer too : ) I bet rommels pretty excited abotu having more space to stretch those legs! And yeah, weeds are a total pain in the butt. When we were in AZ we let our backyard get so bad frankie couldn't even get onto the dirt because the weeds were so high and thick! It was awful.
Hope all is well.. I know i know I need ot email you! No excuses! I'll work on that : )
Yeah my girlfriend had a saltwater pool in GA....it's AWESOME! I think you will really like it better!
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