First Emergency Room Trip
Well, it happened earlier than I thought it would, but we took Carter to his first ER trip on Sunday. He likes to play with pots and pans sometimes and he was walking/running with a pot and tripped and fell and his lip must have landed on the edge of the pot. I FREAKED out because there was soooo much blood. It was all over him and me and I couldn't see what was bleeding for a while. Finally, it stopped bleeding and took him to the ER for stitches. That was not fun! Poor guy, they had to strap him down to one of those boards! He did great though considering the circumstances! I took some pictures of the stich the other night. I could have sworn he put 2 in, but I guess not. Tomorrow we go to get them removed. That will be fun too! NOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! (Oh,please disregard the finger in the nose :D)
1 fabulous comments:
Poor little man. I guess you knew it was bound to happen sooner or later-that's what makes him tough!
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