Yesterday, we received notification (confirmation really) that ABB in Wichita Falls is closing. Part of our products will be moved to the ABB in New Berlin, WI and the other product to Houston. It is very bittersweet for me. On one hand, I am very happy that I do not work for Wichita Falls, I work for corporate. I have confirmed with my boss that I can work from home. For now that is...You see, the team I work on is called the Center of Excellence (COE). This includes all of the developers/progammers and basically the "IT" folkds for our current system, SAP. The folks at headquarters (Zurich) have said that all of the COE needs to be in Wickliff, OH. However, this is does not effect my part of the group right now. I am on the Compliance team and since we are not "developers" we are not included in that. But, if that ever changes, looks like I'll be out to. But, I know that my manager and the other girl on my team have said they would not move there either. So maybe they would reconsider if that happens. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
On the other hand, I am very heartbroken for the rest of the employees that will not have a job. And to leave the actual building itself. I have been here for almost 4 years now and while that may not seem long, it is like saying goodbye to a good friend. I don't think anyone was shocked (rumors have been going around for months), but, it is still sad that the end is in sight. ABB has been in this city for over 25 years. One of my IT co-workers has been here from the very beginning. He is in a phased retirement already. But just to hear him talking about the beginning yesterday brought tears to my eyes. It all seems to have happened so fast. We used to be the "golden child" of the ABB companies - always making money. And then this. Hmm...
In other news, the Petersen's have found a new church home I believe. One of the pastors from our previous church was mysteriously asked to resign. This is also very bittersweet for me. I LOVE our previous church. It was were I started attending right after becoming a Christian and I have grown as a Christian there. The last few years though have seemed...kind of...I don't somehow to me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all of the people we have met/know there, but....something wasn't right.I still can't put my finger on it. Anyway, once this person was asked to leave, we realized all of the "policital-ness" that existed and I can't deal with that in the church. That is totally a Man thing, not God.
So, when we heard Ronnie was going to plant a new church, Onelife Community church, we said yes!! We went last Sunday and I think it is going to be great. There were about 30 people there, but I know it will grow. We are going to be on the "Launch" team to get the church going and I'm really excited to be a part of it. I feel like we are going to reach a lot of people with Jesus Christ and I can't wait. We haven't cancelled our old church membership yet though...that too is like saying goodbye to an old friend, or more like a family really. Not sure when that will happen.
Through all of this, I have to keep remembering that God is in control and everything will work out in the end. Easier said than done, but I'm workin on it.
Times, they are a changin...
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