When it rains...
So last Thursday I started coming down with a cold, which just got worse and worse until Tuesday. I actually woke up and my head was not pounding from Sinus pressure. Then Wednesday we took Carter for his 2 yr. check up and everything was fine. Earlier that day he had diarrhea, but I didn't think much of it. But then it kept getting worse. And he started vomitting that night too. Well, Friday morning he woke up and acted like he was feeling better, so he ate breakfast. Well, that was the last thing he ate & drank that day. Friday afternoon I found out he had started acting real sluggish, just laying around, not eating or drinking anything. I was worried he was getting dehydrated. So we went up to the doctor and they did a blood test (finger stick - those hurt!) and found out he he was a little dehydrated. So that meant IV fluids. We checked in to the hospital around 6pm that night and they started the IV. Saturday morning they did bloodwork again and I could tell he was feeling better. There is a playroom on the children's floor and all he wanted to do was play! The doctor came in and said his labs were much better! So we go discharged about 2:30pm on Saturday! We were all sooooo tired! And now I think Brandon is getting my cold. :( So my saying for the week is - When it rains, it pours!!
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